Ovarian cancer is cancer that begins in the ovaries. Ovaries are reproductive glands found only in women. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) for reproduction. The eggs travel through the fallopian tubes into the uterus where the fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus. The ovaries are also the main source of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. One ovary is located on each side of the uterus in the pelvis.

The ovaries contain 3 kinds of tissue:

1) Epithelial cells, which cover the ovary.

2) Germ cells are found inside the ovary. These cells develop into the eggs (ova) that are released into the fallopian tubes every month. Stromal cells, which produce most of the female hormones

3) Estrogen and progesterone.

Mesothelioma Cancer

Types Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Symptoms Of Mesothelioma Cancer:-

Clinical symptoms at the time of presentation may include abdominal pain, abdominal mass, increased abdominal girth, distention of the abdomen, ascites (fluid in the abdomen), fever, weight loss, fatigue, anemia and digestive disturbances. Some patients complain of more non-specific symptoms for a number of months prior to a confirmed diagnosis. In a percentage of cases, peritoneal mesothelioma is found incidentally when the patient has sought help for another health problem such as gallbladder, hernia or pelvic mass.


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